Cotswold Soaring Championships 2023

Aston Down, Velika Britanija,   17. junij 2023 – 25. junij 2023

Uradno rezultati za Cheese, naloga 3 (19. junij 2023)

Točke:Cirencester West - Temple Guiting - Little Rissington - Elkstone S - Aston Down Finish N
Razdalja naloge: 80,45 km
Informacije o nalogi:Regionals (v23) / Fixed Course Task, Contest Wind 207 degs/12 kts ; Y distance = 60.0 km ; Day Speed Points = 172, Day Distance Points = 134 ; Reason for Devaluation : Winners Time
# OP TO Tekmovalec Klub Jadralno letalo Handicap Štart Cilj Čas Hitrost Razdalja Točke
1. 8 KDX Dan Hayday Cotswold Gliding Club DG 200 97 15:04:09 15:50:07 45:58 116,36 km/h 89,14 km 306
2. 3 225 Ben Hudson London Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 15:07:22 16:03:06 55:44 104,48 km/h 97,05 km 254
3. 1 KV Harriet Gamble Bath Wilts & North Dorset Gliding Club LS8 100 15:06:52 15:56:22 49:30 104,43 km/h 86,15 km 253
4. 2 B11 Danny Richmond Wyvern Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 15:10:35 16:07:30 56:55 102,30 km/h 97,05 km 244
5. 5 DXL Alistair Bridges Lasham Gliding Society Std Cirrus 90 15:09:20 16:08:38 59:18 98,19 km/h 97,05 km 226
6. 1 AL Anthony Landau London Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 15:08:06 16:07:55 59:49 97,34 km/h 97,05 km 222
7. 2 HOT Seb Van Der Stichele Southdown Gliding Club Astir CS77 89 15:00:54 16:02:45 1:01:51 95,36 km/h 98,30 km 213
7. 2 3S Evan Skelhorn Deeside Gliding Club LS7WL 97.5 15:07:46 16:03:37 55:51 95,22 km/h 88,63 km 213
9. 5 JJ Jonathan Jones Wyvern Gliding Club ASW 20 98 15:07:55 16:04:16 56:21 93,83 km/h 88,12 km 206
10. 1 131 Emson & Bradford The Gliding Centre Std Cirrus 90 15:06:01 16:09:31 1:03:30 91,70 km/h 97,05 km 197
11. 7 211 Tim Williamson Nene Valley Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 15:07:09 16:13:21 1:06:12 87,96 km/h 97,05 km 180
12. 1 UW3 Ben Hilsenrath Cotswold Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 15:06:00 16:12:39 1:06:39 87,36 km/h 97,05 km 178
13. 1 594 Tim Barnes Cotswold Gliding Club Mosquito B 98 15:02:18 16:02:55 1:00:37 87,23 km/h 88,12 km 177
14. 2 JBA Basil Fairston The Gliding Centre Silent2 Electro 89 14:59:04 16:07:06 1:08:02 86,69 km/h 98,30 km 175
15. 11 PH Pete Hibbard Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club SHK 89 15:03:01 16:15:02 1:12:01 81,89 km/h 98,30 km 154
16. 6 LUJ Nigel Bray Cotswold Gliding Club LAK 17B FES Mini 96 15:04:23 16:13:51 1:09:28 77,90 km/h 90,19 km 136
HC KNK Team KNK Cotswold Gliding Club DG 500 92 15:07:03 16:42:14 1:35:11 59,66 km/h 94,64 km 134
17. HZR Geoff Dixon Cotswold Gliding Club K21 85 14:58:55 16:23:35 1:24:40 73,45 km/h 103,65 km 124
17. 1 CPM Alicia Carpenter Wyvern Gliding Club Std Libelle 89 15:06:58 16:41:27 1:34:29 62,42 km/h 98,30 km 124
HC ENK Team ENK Cotswold Gliding Club K21 85 15:12:58 94,59 km 123
19. DTX Ryan Millen Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Mosquito B 98 15:12:06 41,84 km 54
DNF 1 M9 William Chappel Wyvern Gliding Club LS8 100 0,00 km 0
DNF = Ni letel
HC = Hors Concours, ne tekmuje uradno
HZR - Logger interval >2s
CPM - Logger interval >2s