TO | Tekmovalec | Klub | Jadralno letalo | Razred | Hendikep |
ENK | Team ENK | Cotswold Gliding Club | K21 | Cheese | 85 |
KNK | Team KNK | Cotswold Gliding Club | DG 500 | Cheese | 92 |
PH | Pete Hibbard | Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club | SHK | Cheese | 89 |
225 | Ben Hudson | London Gliding Club | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
HOT | Seb Van Der Stichele | Southdown Gliding Club | Astir CS77 | Cheese | 89 |
DXL | Alistair Bridges | Lasham Gliding Society | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
HZR | Geoff Dixon | Cotswold Gliding Club | K21 | Cheese | 85 |
M9 | William Chappel | Wyvern Gliding Club | LS8 | Cheese | 100 |
CPM | Alicia Carpenter | Wyvern Gliding Club | Std Libelle | Cheese | 89 |
211 | Tim Williamson | Nene Valley Gliding Club | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
KDX | Dan Hayday | Cotswold Gliding Club | DG 200 | Cheese | 97 |
JJ | Jonathan Jones | Wyvern Gliding Club | ASW 20 | Cheese | 98 |
594 | Tim Barnes | Cotswold Gliding Club | Mosquito B | Cheese | 98 |
JBA | Basil Fairston | The Gliding Centre | Silent2 Electro | Cheese | 89 |
3S | Evan Skelhorn | Deeside Gliding Club | LS7WL | Cheese | 97,5 |
DTX | Ryan Millen | Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club | Mosquito B | Cheese | 98 |
B11 | Danny Richmond | Wyvern Gliding Club | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
AL | Anthony Landau | London Gliding Club | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
131 | Emson & Bradford | The Gliding Centre | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
UW3 | Ben Hilsenrath | Cotswold Gliding Club | Std Cirrus | Cheese | 90 |
KV | Harriet Gamble | Bath Wilts & North Dorset Gliding Club | LS8 | Cheese | 100 |
LUJ | Nigel Bray | Cotswold Gliding Club | LAK 17B FES Mini | Cheese | 96 |
EVF | Stuart Naylor | Fulmar Gliding Club | Nimbus 3T | Port | 114 |
152 | Rich Hood | Lasham Gliding Society | Ventus 2cxa | Port | 111 |
L7 | Neil Croxford | Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club | LS8 (18m) | Port | 106 |
777 | Sharon Kerby | Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club | ASW 28-18 E | Port | 106 |
401 | Luke Pike | Buckminster Gliding Club | ASW 17 | Port | 106 |
LEW | Gill & O'Keefe | Denbigh Gliding Club | Arcus M | Port | 107 |
57 | John Ferguson | The Gliding Centre | ASG 29E | Port | 111 |
LR | Sean Naisby | Nene Valley Gliding Club | Ventus A | Port | 101 |
JYR | Jon Meyer | Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club | Duo Discus T | Port | 101 |
5 | Chris Dawes | Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club | Arcus M | Port | 107 |
TA | Colwyn Darlow | The Gliding Centre | LS10 | Port | 110 |
TL | David Rance | Midland Gliding Club | JS-1C (18m) | Port | 111 |
391 | Richard Slater | South Wales Gliding Club | Ventus C | Port | 106 |
DI | Roger Banks | Cotswold Gliding Club | Duo Discus XT | Port | 101,5 |
VF | Bob Bromwich | Bannerdown Gliding Club | Ventus 3F | Port | 110,5 |
Y9 | Paul Copland | Bicester Soaring | ASW 28 | Port | 106 |
895 | John Inglis | The Gliding Centre | Antares | Port | 114 |
FNE | Tim Robson | Lasham Gliding Society | Jantar 1-19 SZD38A | Port | 102 |
KS | Phil Dolan | Scottish Gliding Centre | Ventus 2cxt | Port | 110 |
GB1 | Mike Jordy | Wolds Gliding Club | Duo Discus T | Port | 101,5 |
494 | Chris Alldis | Midland Gliding Club | Duo Discus | Port | 101 |
40 | Steve Noujaim | Cotswold Gliding Club | ASW 17 | Port | 106 |
TG | Tom Gooch | Cotswold Gliding Club | ASW 27b | Port | 104 |
826 | Ross Morriss | Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club | Kestrel 19 | Port | 102 |
2Z | Chris Tooze | Cotswold Gliding Club | LAK 17B FES | Port | 109 |
JE | Doug Lawrence | Cotswold Gliding Club | ASH 25Mi | Port | 115 |
990 | Adrian Giles | Cotswold Gliding Club | Vega (17m) | Port | 101 |
3N | Miles Bailey | Oxford Gliding Club | Nimbus 3 | Port | 115 |
CUS | Mike Weston | Cotswold Gliding Club | Arcus T | Port | 107 |