Cotswold Soaring Championships 2023

Aston Down, Vereinigtes Königreich,   17. Juni 2023 – 25. Juni 2023


WBKZ Teilnehmer Club Flugzeug Klasse Index
ENK Team ENK Cotswold Gliding Club K21 Cheese 85
KNK Team KNK Cotswold Gliding Club DG 500 Cheese 92
PH Pete Hibbard Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club SHK Cheese 89
225 Ben Hudson London Gliding Club Std Cirrus Cheese 90
HOT Seb Van Der Stichele Southdown Gliding Club Astir CS77 Cheese 89
DXL Alistair Bridges Lasham Gliding Society Std Cirrus Cheese 90
HZR Geoff Dixon Cotswold Gliding Club K21 Cheese 85
M9 William Chappel Wyvern Gliding Club LS8 Cheese 100
CPM Alicia Carpenter Wyvern Gliding Club Std Libelle Cheese 89
211 Tim Williamson Nene Valley Gliding Club Std Cirrus Cheese 90
KDX Dan Hayday Cotswold Gliding Club DG 200 Cheese 97
JJ Jonathan Jones Wyvern Gliding Club ASW 20 Cheese 98
594 Tim Barnes Cotswold Gliding Club Mosquito B Cheese 98
JBA Basil Fairston The Gliding Centre Silent2 Electro Cheese 89
3S Evan Skelhorn Deeside Gliding Club LS7WL Cheese 97,5
DTX Ryan Millen Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Mosquito B Cheese 98
B11 Danny Richmond Wyvern Gliding Club Std Cirrus Cheese 90
AL Anthony Landau London Gliding Club Std Cirrus Cheese 90
131 Emson & Bradford The Gliding Centre Std Cirrus Cheese 90
UW3 Ben Hilsenrath Cotswold Gliding Club Std Cirrus Cheese 90
KV Harriet Gamble Bath Wilts & North Dorset Gliding Club LS8 Cheese 100
LUJ Nigel Bray Cotswold Gliding Club LAK 17B FES Mini Cheese 96
EVF Stuart Naylor Fulmar Gliding Club Nimbus 3T Port 114
152 Rich Hood Lasham Gliding Society Ventus 2cxa Port 111
L7 Neil Croxford Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club LS8 (18m) Port 106
777 Sharon Kerby Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club ASW 28-18 E Port 106
401 Luke Pike Buckminster Gliding Club ASW 17 Port 106
LEW Gill & O'Keefe Denbigh Gliding Club Arcus M Port 107
57 John Ferguson The Gliding Centre ASG 29E Port 111
LR Sean Naisby Nene Valley Gliding Club Ventus A Port 101
JYR Jon Meyer Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club Duo Discus T Port 101
5 Chris Dawes Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club Arcus M Port 107
TA Colwyn Darlow The Gliding Centre LS10 Port 110
TL David Rance Midland Gliding Club JS-1C (18m) Port 111
391 Richard Slater South Wales Gliding Club Ventus C Port 106
DI Roger Banks Cotswold Gliding Club Duo Discus XT Port 101,5
VF Bob Bromwich Bannerdown Gliding Club Ventus 3F Port 110,5
Y9 Paul Copland Bicester Soaring ASW 28 Port 106
895 John Inglis The Gliding Centre Antares Port 114
FNE Tim Robson Lasham Gliding Society Jantar 1-19 SZD38A Port 102
KS Phil Dolan Scottish Gliding Centre Ventus 2cxt Port 110
GB1 Mike Jordy Wolds Gliding Club Duo Discus T Port 101,5
494 Chris Alldis Midland Gliding Club Duo Discus Port 101
40 Steve Noujaim Cotswold Gliding Club ASW 17 Port 106
TG Tom Gooch Cotswold Gliding Club ASW 27b Port 104
826 Ross Morriss Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Kestrel 19 Port 102
2Z Chris Tooze Cotswold Gliding Club LAK 17B FES Port 109
JE Doug Lawrence Cotswold Gliding Club ASH 25Mi Port 115
990 Adrian Giles Cotswold Gliding Club Vega (17m) Port 101
3N Miles Bailey Oxford Gliding Club Nimbus 3 Port 115
CUS Mike Weston Cotswold Gliding Club Arcus T Port 107

Letzte Sieger

1. Chris Dawes 96,30 km/h
2. Jon Meyer 84,37 km/h
3. Roger Banks 78,24 km/h
Aktualisiert: 01.07.23, 14:03
1. William Chappel 90,66 km/h
2. Tim Williamson 89,80 km/h
3. Alistair Bridges 88,27 km/h
Aktualisiert: 25.06.23, 13:43

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 8, 25.06.2023
Aufgabengröße: 110,47 km
Aktualisiert: 25.06.23, 09:30
Wertungstag 8, 25.06.2023
Aufgabengröße: 105,27 km
Aktualisiert: 25.06.23, 09:27