5th FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Championship

Sisteron - Thèze, France,   8 mai 2014 – 16 mai 2014

Epreuve 7, FAI 5th Sailplane Grand Prix Final, 15 mai 2014

Version de l'épreuve : 1
Point de virage Distance Direction Zone d'observation
Start Finish Sisteron Gld 0,00 km 0,0° Ligne 5,00 km
Montmaur 30,92 km 349,6° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Rosans Fields 36,41 km 237,7° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Savines le lac 76,56 km 77,0° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Les Omergues 75,14 km 237,4° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Cousson 50,52 km 105,9° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Checkpoint South 28,54 km 307,8° Cylindre R=0,50 km
Start Finish Sisteron Gld 9,70 km 353,0° Ligne 0,25 km, Angle=0,0°
Total : 307,80 km

Notes sur l'épreuve

Grid : open 11:00, close 12:00
First launch at : not before 13:00

QNH : 1020
Max start altitude : 1800m QNH
Minimum finish altitude : 600m QNH (applies from checkpoint north to finish line)

Prohibited Airspace :
- Gap parachuting Zone
- R71 = FL75 max
- FL115 max = FL115 max
- LTA Vercors = FL125 max
- LTA Verdon = FL135 max

Frequency : 120.05

trackers : give them back to Brigitte (Commentry cabin)
scoring email : scoringsgp@gmail.com (or Brigitte Commentry cabin)