5th FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Championship

Sisteron - Thèze, Francie,   8. května 2014 – 16. května 2014

Úloha 1, FAI 5th Sailplane Grand Prix Final, 9. května 2014

Typ úlohy: 1
Otočný bod Vzdálenost Směr Pozorovací oblast
Start Finish Sisteron Gld 0,00 km 0,0° Páska 5,00 km
Bure Low 35,81 km 355,1° Cylinder R=0,50 km
Embrun City 48,48 km 95,1° Cylinder R=0,50 km
Serre de Montednier Low 78,53 km 194,8° Cylinder R=0,50 km
La Motte du Caire Village 54,00 km 341,3° Cylinder R=0,50 km
Checkpoint South 17,43 km 203,7° Cylinder R=0,50 km
Start Finish Sisteron Gld 9,70 km 353,0° Páska 1,00 km
Celkem: 243,95 km

Poznámky k úloze

Grid : open 11:00, close 12:00

First launch at : not before 13:00

QNH : 1016

Max start altitude : 1800m QNH

Minimum finish altitude : 600m QNH (applies from checkpoint north to finish line)

Start procedure :
- 5 minutes before opening : turning right is prohibited
- 1 minute before opening : pilots must be in the start area ("behind" the start line)
- start speed is below 170km/h and below start altitude limit of the day

Airspace :
- Gap parachuting Zone

Frequency : 120.05

scoring email : scoringsgp@gmail.com