UK Junior Nationals 2023

Gransden Lodge, Velika Britanija,   19. avgust 2023 – 27. avgust 2023

Skupni rezultati za Junior Nationals po nalogi 3

# OP TO Tekmovalec Klub Jadralno letalo Handicap Skupno
1 1 95 Henry Inigo-Jones Lasham Gliding Society LS 8 100 2.007
2 1 212 Toby Freeland Lasham Gliding Society ASW 20 98 1.959
3 1 302 Ben Edkins Stratford-on-Avon Gliding Club LS 8 100 1.921
4 3 R3 Max Gould Bannerdown Gliding Club LS 8 100 1.847
HC 4 Team 4 Lasham Gliding Society Duo Discus XLT 102 1.797
5 27 Theodore Nellis Bannerdown Gliding Club Discus (w) 98.5 1.784
6 4 BL James Cox Buckminster Gliding Club ASW 27b 104 1.763
7 6 LTP Nik Smirnov Lasham Gliding Society LS 3a 98 1.755
7 6 196 Jordan Johnson Bidford Gliding & Flying Club ASW 20 98 1.755
9 3 KDX Dan Hayday Cotswold Gliding Club DG 200 97 1.740
10 7 NW George White Lasham Gliding Society ASW 20 98 1.713
11 3 FUU James Alexander Cambridge Gliding Centre DG 300 Club 95 1.682
12 1 805 Thomas Chapman Portsmouth Naval Gliding Club Discus (w) 98.5 1.672
HC BU Team BU BGGC DG 1000 102 1.621
13 4 E2 Jonathan Bradford Scottish Gliding Centre ASW 20 98 1.613
14 2 EEE Benjamin Payne Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club ASW 20 98 1.593
HC 496 Team 496 ICGC Grob Twin 3 89 1.565
15 3 JNG Lewis Bricknell The Gliding Centre Std. Libelle 89 1.553
16 4 LD George Downing Lasham Gliding Society ASW 20 98 1.551
17 2 296 Aidan Clark Discus b (w) 98.5 1.477
18 1 HLV Oliver Ramsay Oxford Gliding Club ASW 19 93 1.472
19 4 OW Ollie Wheeler The Gliding Centre ASW 20 98 1.454
20 2 766 Peter Freeland Lasham Gliding Society Mosquito b (w) 98.5 1.449
21 7 HCV Oscar Butlin London Gliding Club ASW 19 93 1.425
22 2 SH2 Sam Coole Lasham Gliding Society Discus 98 1.385
23 5 869 Erik Pretorius Cambridge Gliding Centre Pik-20D 96 1.314
HC 620 Team 620 Duo Discus T 101 1.304
24 3 HBF Edward Smith Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club Nimbus 2C 106 1.301
25 JDP Daniel Hender Devon and Somerset Gliding Club DG 202 (17m) 101 1.242
26 96 Matt Homa Imperial College Gliding Club ASW 24 (w) 97.5 1.200
27 3 JGU Martyn Cobham Darlton Gliding Club Mini Nimbus 98 1.143
28 1 LL Sarah Bellamy Buckminster Gliding Club Std. Libelle 89 1.124
29 4 579 Alexander Atkinson Oxford Gliding Club Std. Cirrus 90 1.104
30 1 UW3 Matt Waite Cotswold Gliding Club Std. Cirrus 90 1.077
HC R1 Team R1 Duo Discus 101 1.031
HC LGC Team LGC London Gliding Club Duo Discus 101 1.020
31 3 DTX Ryan Millen Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Mosquito b 98 995
32 5 FVV Charles Brooker Cambridge Gliding Centre Pegase 95 906
33 4 HOT Sebastien Van Der Stichele Southdown Gliding Club Astir CS77 89 834
34 2 FRZ Merlin Ohta Southdown Gliding Club Std. Cirrus (w) 90.5 797
35 7 HKM Tom Benson Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club Astir Jeans 86 768
36 4 SU Aliaksei Pilko Shalborne Gliding Club DG 101 G 90 665
HC EW Team EW Arcus M 107 646
37 5 211 Lewis Smith Nene Valley Gliding Club Std. Cirrus 90 640
HC 220 Team 220 Duo Discus 101 594
HC CU Charles Harris Lasham Gliding Society ASW 19 93 585
HC KPE Team KPE PNGC Duo Discus (w) 101.5 537
38 3 DN David Noble Lasham Gliding Society LS 3a 98 403
39 1 LO Edward Oliver Buckminster Gliding Club Astir CS77 89 350
40 1 HNC Jack Jenner-Hall Norfolk Gliding Club ASW 19 93 261
41 727 Thomas Docherty Lasham Gliding Society Astir CS 89 67
42 L18 Lachlan Sloan Scottish Gliding Union Std. Libelle 89 15
HC = Hors Concours, ne tekmuje uradno