Regionale Meisterschaften 2015 - Birrfeld

Švica,   25. april 2015 – 03. maj 2015

Skupni rezultati za 15 metrski po nalogi 3

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 Z1 Pascal Brunner Discus 2b 0
1 AI Clemente Dal Magro Duo Discus 0
1 2F Roger Frei Discus 2b 0
1 W6 Simon Gantner Discus 2b 0
1 AW Tobias Grämer ASW 28 0
1 TQ Philipp Haueter Duo Discus XLT 0
1 BE Matthias Jauslin LS 8 0
1 8L Mark Käppeli LS 8 0
1 1L Jürg Keller Duo Discus 0
1 2C Jonas Langenegger Duo Discus 0
1 2B David Leemann LS 4 0
1 X4 Sergio Magaldi Discus b 0
1 2L Markus Meier Duo Discus 0
1 ZT Jaroslav Misun Discus b 0
1 ZD Roman Misun Discus 2c 0
1 W3 Sven Sprunger Discus b 0
1 14 Mario Straub Discus 2b 0
1 8F Marc Studer LS 4 0
1 DZ Alain Walther Duo Discus 0
1 EU Stefan Zlot ASW 27 0