Hi Everyone!
Competition is about to begin. The dates is selected for next year Lithianian Mix Class Nationals period.
Todays racing task length 204.4 km. We go to Poland first and next turnpoit will be in south part of Lithuania.
Wind is south-west, 15 km/h. Cloud base 1350 m. Thermals average-good. Max start altitude is limited to 1100 mMSL. This limit will stay during all the competition.
Airspace! All airspace as you could see in Condor2 ir forbiden! But you must check you PDA because only oficial file will be used for scoring! All paragliding Zones PG1..PG22 is aloved to fly and military zone EYR28 CUDGEL W will be not active during all the competitions. Today task given specialy two times crossing forbiden airspace. Very easy you could go around it, but be very careful! Netherless from Polan we will fly very close the border with Belarus!
Do not forget the start speed limit 170 km/h. This is a gound speed! Finish ring crosing minimum altitude 110 mMSL.
Do not crash you glider at any time! Note the towing rope could break also, so be ready to land safelly to airfield for next takeoff!
Important notice for Condor2 crash bug! During the fligth never never touch "~" button. Put a tape on it! Ones you will press your Condor could freeze and you will lost a task.
If you will lost internet, fly oflline. Immediately (15 min delay max) after the fligth all pilots must send IGC file to designated adress.
So, the competition would real as possible! Rules are very strict. No any exclutions! Fight for champion will be not easy! Prepare you systems 100% and do not delay to join!
See you today! Are you ready! :)