Dunstable Regionals 2022

Dunstable LGC, Velika Britanija,   30. julij 2022 – 07. avgust 2022

Skupni rezultati za Red po nalogi 1

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 TJ Tim Jenkinson London GC JS1 111 19
London GC
2 A Jason Eccles The Gliding Centre ASG29ES 111 5
3 15C Angus Watson Cranwell GC ASW27 104 1
4 13 Robert Knight London GC EB28 116 0
4 275 Geoff Glazebrook London GC Ventus 3T 111.5 0
4 KS Phil Dolan Scottish Gliding Centre Ventus2cxT 110 0
4 OZ Andy Elliott Oxford GC Nimbus 3DT 114 0
4 A27 Farrimond & Brimfield London GC ASW27 104 0
4 HH Helen Hingley London GC HPH Shark (18m) 110 0
4 KNR Richard Kalin Rufforth Ventus 2cxt 110 0
4 R6 Philip Mackenzie Chilterns GC Discus 2CT 106 0
4 TC Alan McNamara Bicester Soaring Ventus 2cxt 110 0
4 19T David Miller London GC LAK 19T (18m) 106 0
4 TL David Rance Midland GC JS1 (21m) 118 0
4 N5 Martin Smith London GC ASW27a 104 0
4 601 John Spencer London GC ASG29E (18m) 111 0
4 LJZ John Thompson London GC ASH31Mi 115 0
4 DID Mick Webb Bicester Soaring Ventus 2cxa 111 0
4 LF Paul Whipp London GC ASG 29 (18m) 111 0
4 430 Stefan Astley London GC Nimbus 2B 106 0
4 436 Dave Bray Oxford GC Ventus2bx 104 0
4 VF Bob Bromwich Bannerdown Ventus3F 110.5 0
4 L8 Brown & Russell London GC LS6-18 W 107 0
4 4M Mark Burton London GC Arcus M 107 0
4 Z95 Paul Candler London GC HpH Shark eS (18m) 109 0
4 170 Guy Corbett London GC Lak17AT 109 0
4 906 Craig & Craig London GC ASW27B 104 0