Not the Dunstable Regionals 2020

Dunstable LGC, Velika Britanija,   22. avgust 2020 – 31. avgust 2020

Skupni rezultati za Task Group C po nalogi 1

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Handicap Skupno
1 170 Guy Corbett Lak 17a (18m) 109 0
1 D7 Team DeltaSeven LS8-18 (18m) 106 0
1 347 Geoff Glazebrook LS6 106 0
1 LGC Team GolfCharlie Duo Discus 101 0
1 DMU Pete Goodchild PIK 20D 96 0
1 721 Matty Hall LS6 101 0
1 HH Helen Hingley HpH304S 110 0
1 803 Alex Hippel Discus b 98 0
1 HMK Robin Hodge LS6c (18m) 107 0
1 838 Robert Hubrecht ASW 19b 93 0
1 225 Ben Hudson Std. Cirrus 90 0
1 TJ Tim Jenkinson JS1 18 111 0
1 G9 Ed Johnson ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 HJ Howard Joseph Ventus 2cxt (18m) 110 0
1 K5 Bob King ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 S19 Richard Lancaster ASW 19b 93 0
1 LF Paul Whipp ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 470 Keith Marshall ASW 20L 101 0
1 L6 Dave Miller LS6c 17.5 106 0
1 785 Gilad Myerson Discus b 98 0
1 57 Mark Newland-Smith ASG29 (15m) 104 0
1 19T Team NineteenTango Lak 19 (18m) 106 0
1 533 Graham Nixon Astir CS 89 0
1 KNV Team NovemberVictor ASW 28-18 106 0
1 GP Geoff Payne ASW 27b 104 0
1 603 Nigel Perren Discus bw 98.5 0
1 RW Ian Reekie LS8-18 (18m) 106 0
1 HBB Team BravoBravo ASW 24(w) 97.5 0
1 R5 Rupert Robertson ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 L8 Lofty Russell LS6c (18m) 107 0
1 A5 Andy Sampson ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 SH Team SierraHotel HpH304S 110 0
1 B8 Bob Tandy ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 NT Nick Tillet ASG29 (18m) 111 0
1 S4L Sally Walker LS4 96 0
1 Peter Brown asw28 100 0
1 LVP Andy Zuchora Jantar 2 106 0
1 HCQ Malcolm Birch Std. Libelle W 89.5 0
1 4M Mark Burton Arcus 107 0
1 X8 Christian Brunschen LS8 (15m) 100 0
1 Z95 Paul Candler HpH304S FES 109 0
1 828 Gary Cook ASW 20L 101 0