Booker Regionals 2016

Wycombe, Velika Britanija,   02. julij 2016 – 10. julij 2016

Day 6. Finishers and a couple of landouts

Nils (EN) is back in 1:26 mins. He says that there are still plenty of energy lines to follow.  About five more competitors due to finish in the next 10 mins.  JDV DNS and RN, HA, 944 Landouts so far.

Napisal: RedKite Control dne 07. julij 2016 14:10.
Popravil: RedKite Control dne 07. julij 2016 14:11.

Zadnji zmagovalec

HC Tim Scott 70,82 km/h
1. Nils Wedi 70,34 km/h
2. John Otty 58,39 km/h
Posodobljeno: 15. 07. 16 06:11

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 7, 8. jul. 2016
Razdalja naloge: 134,79 km
Posodobljeno: 8. 07. 16 10:49