7th Andes Open Soaring Championship

Čile,   14. december 2009 – 20. december 2009

Skupni rezultati za Mixed Class with Handicap po nalogi 4

# OP TO Tekmovalec Skupno
1 QV Rocca Vidal Carlos Ventus 2b 3.899
Jadralno letalo:
Ventus 2b
2 QZ Vidal Rene Ventus 2c/15m 3.868
3 RP Kawa Sebastian Diana 2 3.748
4 VV Späth Alexander Ventus 2ax 3.718
5 ALB Puskeiler Patrick Discus 2ax 3.508
6 4 RG Rocca Righton Carlos Ventus cM 15m 2.839
7 2 WY Bluhm Andres Mini Nimbus 2.810
8 2 PL Wujczak Stanislaw ASG 29 2.780
9 2 WD Naretto Mario Ventus cM 17.6m 2.603
10 3 10 Boher Marcela Glasflugel 304 2.555
11 4 YV Errazuriz Andres Ventus cT 17.6m 2.533
12 4 3S Gaude Javier Ventus cT 15m 2.522
13 3 C2 Stipicic Bon Carlos Mini Nimbus 2.226
14 2 WE Böhm Eduardo Mini Nimbus 2.214
15 1 3W Jimenez Rodrigo Mini Nimbus 2.000
16 1 WO Lutz Andreas Ventus 2cxa 15m 1.893
17 2 V8 Cronrath Andreas Duo Discus T 1.242
18 1 AE Kaufmann Alexander Nimbus 4DM 890
19 1 RV Rodriguez Amador Ventus 2cM 856