7th Andes Open Soaring Championship

Čile,   14. december 2009 – 20. december 2009

Skupni rezultati za Mixed Class with Handicap po nalogi 2

# OP TO Tekmovalec Skupno
1 QV Rocca Vidal Carlos Ventus 2b 1.983
Jadralno letalo:
Ventus 2b
2 3 RP Kawa Sebastian Diana 2 1.888
3 VV Späth Alexander Ventus 2ax 1.881
4 3 QZ Vidal Rene Ventus 2c/15m 1.868
5 1 PL Wujczak Stanislaw ASG 29 1.841
6 4 ALB Puskeiler Patrick Discus 2ax 1.781
7 4 3S Gaude Javier Ventus cT 15m 1.557
8 6 YV Errazuriz Andres Ventus cT 17.6m 1.502
9 4 WY Bluhm Andres Mini Nimbus 1.384
10 1 WD Naretto Mario Ventus cM 17.6m 1.294
11 1 3W Jimenez Rodrigo Mini Nimbus 1.291
12 6 10 Boher Marcela Glasflugel 304 1.184
13 4 RG Rocca Righton Carlos Ventus cM 15m 1.166
14 2 WE Böhm Eduardo Mini Nimbus 1.121
15 C2 Stipicic Bon Carlos Mini Nimbus 1.032
16 14 WO Lutz Andreas Ventus 2cxa 15m 972
17 11 AE Kaufmann Alexander Nimbus 4DM 890
18 10 RV Rodriguez Amador Ventus 2cM 856
19 V8 Cronrath Andreas Duo Discus T 39