38th Australian Club and Sports Class Nationals

Lake Keepit, Avstralija,   31. december 2018 – 11. januar 2019

Skupni rezultati za Club po nalogi 8

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 YMW Allan Barnes Lake Keepit Soaring Club SZD 55 1068.8 7.364
Lake Keepit Soaring Club
2 S5 Ray Stewart Kingaroy Soaring Club Discus 1068.2 7.144
3 BM Sabrina Vogt AC Bonn-Hangelar LS 4 1036 6.735
4 WL Jo Davis Darling Downs Soaring Club ASW 19 1010 6.563
5 KW Jenny Ganderton Lake Keepit Soaring Club Mosquito 1068.4 6.477
6 GA Sarah Arnold Chilhowee Soaring Association, Inc. Std. Cirrus 992 6.175
7 VH Bernie Sizer Grampians Soaring Club PIK 20 B 1055 5.662
8 1 SH Ayala Truelove Lasham Std. Libelle 967.6 5.268
9 1 CX Kathryn Fosha Lake Keepit Soaring Club Std. Libelle 970.4 5.212
10 XQV Sylvia Grandstaff Std. Cirrus 992 4.278
11 KO Richard Hoskings Darling Downs Soaring Club ASW 20 1085 4.101