18M and 20M Nationals Lasham 2021

Lasham, Velika Britanija,   21. avgust 2021 – 29. avgust 2021

Skupni rezultati za 20 Metre Two-Seat Nationals 2021 po nalogi 2

# OP TO Tekmovalec Skupno
1 TS Edward Downham Twin Shark 469
Jadralno letalo:
Twin Shark
2 OEL Rod Witter Arcus M 468
3 VZ Owain Walters ASG 32 440
3 Z2 Tim Scott ASG 32 440
5 620 Tim Robson Duo Discus T 402
6 I10 Steve Jones Arcus M 384
7 66 Garry Coppin Arcus T 350
8 P7 Eric Smith Duo Discus XT 344
9 4 Steve Pozerskis Duo Discus XLT 332
10 XL Simon Holland Duo Discus XLT 296
11 A1 Tony Moulang Arcus T 277
12 X66 Graham McAndrew Arcus T 274
13 5 Chris Dawes Arcus M 270
14 26 Michael Boydon Duo Discus XT 69
15 16 Jon Arnold Duo Discus XLT 66
16 GA2 Jack Tonkin Arcus T 38
17 580 Bruce Nicholson Arcus T 37
18 XX Adrian Docherty Duo Discus XLT 23