12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship

Garray, Španija,   02. julij 2023 – 14. julij 2023

Naloga 13, Klubski, 14. julij 2023

Verzija naloge: . (v4)
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
001_AD Garray 0,00 km 0,0° Linija 10,00 km
086_Anyavieja 41,31 km 80,7° Cilinder R=0,50 km
244_Haedillo 94,97 km 282,3° Cilinder R=0,50 km
450_Valdegrulla 44,35 km 185,8° Cilinder R=0,50 km
052_ZA Herreros 40,81 km 60,9° Cilinder R=0,50 km
001_AD Garray 17,24 km 94,9° Cilinder R=4,00 km
Skupno: 238,67 km

Opis naloge

QNH 1020

Outlanding notifications call: +34 667264372 and fill out the form: https://bit.ly/outlanding
Report arrival to LEGY 10 Kms out on Airport Freq: 123.500 Mhz
PRE-START altitude 3000m QNH MAX Speed 300 Kph
Minimun Altitude 1300m QNH at finish line
The START gates will be OPEN after 20 minutes after the last launch on the class
After landing send IGC files to: igcfiles@wwgc2023.org within 45 mins of landing

AIRspace TMA Madrid and NOTAM TMA ZGA
PEV start 7 mins and Window 7 mins
LEGY Info: 123.500 MHz LEGY
Grid Marshall/Tugs/Relights/Finish/Landing
Back up frequency: 120.000 MHz
Emergency Frequency: 121.500MHz (monitored by ENAIRE, the ATC authorities)
Arrivals expected at RWY 27 long landings, circuits to the NORTH