UK Northern Regional Gliding Championships 2013

Royaume-Uni,   27 juillet 2013 – 4 août 2013

Sat 27/07/2013

First, apologies for the lack of updates, this should change going forward. And comments, questions or general rants can be sent through to we look forwart to hearing from you.

The competitors assembled at a 10:00 briefing where 3 possible tasks where proposed, with the chances of showers enhanced sectors where selected:

A. SU2 – BRN – TON – SutFinN = 148.4km

B. SU2 – WBS – TON – SutFinN = 120.2km

C. SU2 – WBS – SU3 – SutFinN = 92.8km

As the day progressed and after a couple of hours grid squatting a re-brief was called for 12:00. A task of similar length to Task C was set though heading to the North where the better weather appeared to be located:

D. SU1 – TON – THI – CAR – SU4 – SutFinS = 91.8km

First launch took place at ~13:00 though number of pilots declined their launch after some of the early starters began landing back. Lift was available however it was located in isolated pockets rarely located in convenient locations. There was one starter, Rory O’Conner in ‘SH’ resorting to an engine burn at Thirsk to make it back to site.

Ecrit le 31 juillet 2013 12:19.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Reg Watson 93,85 km/h
2. Andrew Cluskey 90,30 km/h
3. Chris Teagle 89,37 km/h

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 5, 4 août 2013
Distance de l'épreuve : 97,31 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:45