Point de virage | Distance | Direction | Zone d'observation |
230_Buitrago | 6,00 km | 240,8° | Suivant, R=3,00 km, Angle=90,0° |
179_Aldea del Pinar | 63,25 km | 272,4° | Symétrique, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Angle=90,0°, Cylindre R=0,50 km |
415_Ocenilla | 46,06 km | 98,5° | Symétrique, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Angle=90,0°, Cylindre R=0,50 km |
292_El Burgo de Osma | 44,33 km | 236,9° | Symétrique, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Angle=90,0°, Cylindre R=0,50 km |
234_Cabecera-27 | 55,94 km | 62,2° | Cylindre R=4,00 km, Max.alt. est 1,50 km |
Total : | 209,57 km |
Outlanding notifications call: 600940721 and fill out the form: https://bit.ly/outlanding
Report arrival to LEGY 10 Kms out on Airport Freq: 123.500 Mhz
Alternative air to air 123.375 Mhz for communications outside LEGY area
Do always long landings ... After landing send IGC files to: open22.download@yahoo.com
On the area of 10 kms out of LEGY only LEFT TURNS