2023-2024 NSW State Gliding Championships

Lake Keepit, Australie,   11 novembre 2023 – 18 novembre 2023

Official Racing Day Two

Briefing completed,  the weather is similar to yesterday, they are expecting that conditions will be such that climbing will be difficult and average best heights won't be very high.   Well done to Greg and Mike for great flights yesterday.....

Ecrit par : Peter Summerfeldt le 12 novembre 2023 23:15.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Michael Strathern 114,50 km/h
2. David Pickles 95,35 km/h
3. John Trezise 97,38 km/h
Mise à jour : 30/11/2023 15:04
1. Justin Smith 130,24 km/h
2. Brad Edwards 131,56 km/h
3. Matthew Atkinson 126,16 km/h
Mise à jour : 30/11/2023 15:03

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 7, 18 nov. 2023
Distance de l'épreuve : 240,08 km
Mise à jour : 18/11/2023 09:33
Epreuve 7, 18 nov. 2023
Distance de l'épreuve : 280,81 km
Mise à jour : 18/11/2023 09:37