Point de virage | Distance | Direction | Zone d'observation |
019_KERESZT | 15,90 km | 229,7° | Ligne 10,00 km |
455_EGED | 86,70 km | 73,4° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
078_BARANY BERC | 105,78 km | 271,5° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
196_NYIKOM | 56,96 km | 93,5° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
001_DKESZITW | 53,59 km | 235,2° | Cylindre R=3,00 km |
Total : | 303,03 km |
QNH: 1014 hPa; Hmax: 2800 m MSL/local restrictions;
LHDK Elev:126m MSL; RWY 11
Prohibited Airspaces:
Hunborder, FrameS, Frame N, east border, west border, LHD16, LHD21,LHD34,LHD29,
LHD55,MCTR, MTMA (all), TRA14 (all), R8,R9,R10, R12
Airspace file : DKIVB_2023_AS_V2.cub
TP file: DKIVB_2023_v1.cup
All local airspaces according to LP/self brief.
Grid time: 11:00
First launch: 12:00
Start line will be opened via radio 129,790MHz
PEV Start, waiting time 5 minutes, window 8 minutes
Finish altitude QNH400 m
In case of outlanding please send an sms or call: +36 20 777 6830
Send your IGC file to: igc@dkivb.hu