Point de virage | Distance | Direction | Zone d'observation |
007 SP7 JEDLA | 8,70 km | 343,6° | Ligne 10,00 km |
369 VETRNY JENIKOV | 34,33 km | 149,2° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
209 MILEVSKO | 79,87 km | 267,9° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
298 SEDLCANY | 23,84 km | 8,6° | Cylindre R=0,50 km |
001 SP1 ZBRASLAVICE | 55,65 km | 72,0° | Cylindre R=3,00 km |
Total : | 193,70 km |
Runway in use: 15
GRID for all classes open: 09:00 closed 11:30 CEST
Frequency for launch, start, finish and landing: 126,625 MHz
Expected first lunch: 12:00 CEST
Start line closed: sunset
Landing: follow instruction Radio Zbraslavice 126,625 MHz
Safety frequency: 126,350 MHz
QNH: 1017 hPa
Take off altitude: 493 m
Max. altitude on task: FL 95
Finish ring altitude: 600 m MSL
Other restricted and prohibited airspaces according to ICAO situation
Contest area: see Local procedures
Sunrise: 05:10 CEST Sunset: 20:42 CEST
Mobil CD: +420 777 189 173
IGC files: via competition website or by email igc@zbraslavice.cz
Outlanding report: https://lowcrop.aero/wwgc2017/
Emergency call No. 112