22nd FAI European Gliding Championships

Tábor, République tchèque,   3 août 2024 – 17 août 2024

Epreuve 10, Club Class, 15 août 2024

Version de l'épreuve : hh (v4)
Point de virage Distance Direction Zone d'observation
002SPZELEC 9,66 km 26,0° Ligne 15,00 km
046BEZDRUZICE 137,38 km 299,2° Cylindre R=0,50 km
040BELA 39,69 km 206,8° Cylindre R=0,50 km
642ZELIV 180,27 km 91,4° Cylindre R=0,50 km
245KAMENICE 26,88 km 203,9° Cylindre R=0,50 km
001SPTABOR 23,42 km 291,4° Cylindre R=5,00 km
Total : 407,64 km

Notes sur l'épreuve

RWY in use: 29 | GRID: 8:30 -10:30 | GRID Order: Club, Standard, 15M | First launch expected: 11:30 CEST
START LINE Opens 30 minutes after the last launch in class | Radius 7,5km
ENERGY CONTROL - Not in use today
PEV START - WAIT time: 8 minutes, START window: 5 minutes, Max. number of starts: 3
FINISH RING 5km, Minimum finish altitude: 650 m MSL
Competition frequency: 122.710 MHz | Safety frequency: 118.590 MHz
QNH: 1017 hPa | MAX FL95 = 2928 m MSL | LKTA Elevation: 439 m MSL
End of civil daylight: 20:52 CEST
Competition director: Matej +420 602 277 772 | Deputy: Tomas +420 602 284 272
Emergency phone number: 112 | Emergency frequency: 121.5 MHz
IGC file submission: email to igc@pohoda.com (CN in subject)

Espaces aériens inactifs : DROPZONE Line, DROPZONE Rokycany, DROPZONE Pribram, LKTSA60 PISEK, LKTSA7A JINCE, LKTSA7C JINCE