Turnpoint | Distance | Direction | Observation zone |
005_VZHOD | 3.09 km | 270.8° | Line 10.00 km (Radius 5.00 km) |
049_SZ-AD | 79.00 km | 23.3° | R=20.00 km, Radial1=245.0°, Radial2=65.0° |
019_KUZMA | 65.15 km | 220.3° | R=15.00 km, Radial1=175.0°, Radial2=355.0° |
033_PITO | 133.24 km | 139.0° | R=20.00 km, Radial1=121.0°, Radial2=301.0° |
001_LJMS | 111.57 km | 315.1° | Cylinder R=3.00 km, Max.alt. is 0.48 km |
Total: | 291.76 km / 465.43 km (388.96 km) |
Postavljanje na start do 11:30, steza 27. Predvideno vzletanje ob 11:45. Uradna frekvenca = 123.505
QNH; referenčna višina letališča je 183m. Višina ciljnega cilindra je 483m QNH. Morebitni izvenletališki javiti na 041 671 469. Let prosim pošljete na dpsjl2021@gmail.com
Grid time 11:30, runway 27. Scheduled take off at 11:45. Official frequency = 123,505.
QNH; the reference height of the airport is 183m. The height of the finish cylinder is 483m QNH. Any outlanding please report to +386 41 671 469. Please send the flight to dpsjl2021@gmail.com