Turnpoint | Distance | Direction | Observation zone |
Hub 8 Depart Hub | 9.00 km | 178.1° | Line 10.00 km (Radius 5.00 km), Max.alt. is 1.80 km |
Daun Senheld | 104.41 km | 85.8° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
Bastogne Mishamp | 77.14 km | 260.0° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
Florenville Eglise | 52.41 km | 221.9° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
St Hubert Gld | 28.03 km | 10.0° | Cylinder R=10.00 km |
Total: | 261.97 km |
Runway 32 / Grid time : 10:00 / First possible launch : 11:00
Maximum Start altitude : NA / Maximum start groundspeed :180 km/h
Minimum finish altitude : 1000m AMSL
Airspace QNH : 1013hPa
BELGIUM within GAA : 1979m AMSL
BELGIUM outside GAA : 1371m AMSL
Luxembourg : 2131m AMSL
France : 1827 m AMSL
Germany : 2741m AMSL
Elsenborn EBR04 & EDR117 ACTIVE
Feitsch aerobatic aera NOT active
Spa + Dahlemer Binz + Noertrange + Bitburg paradrop PROHIBITED except for outlanding
Contest launch : 122.180 / Finish : 122.180 / Outlanding number :+32479720464
Opening of the gate : 122.385
TEAM FLYING FREQUENCIES : 122.385 / 126.810 / 135.235
PEV NA Today
In case of outlanding at EBBX contact +3224421184
IF the launch of the first glider (all classes included) after 12:00 => TASK B