The ideal weather, light winds, good visibility, a clear sky and maybe some clouds later. Here at Lake Keepit, at the moment, the weather is perfect. The Contest Director is busy (in the office with Admin etc), some of the pilots are up and about, and out on the airfield we can see the kangaroos happily munching away on the grass, those cheeky little kangaroos, they all look fit well and happy....
Written by: Peter Summerfeldt on 10 November 2023 at 20:33.
Latest winner
1. Michael Strathern
114.50 km/h
2. David Pickles
95.35 km/h
3. John Trezise
97.38 km/h
30/11/2023, 15:04
1. Justin Smith
130.24 km/h
2. Brad Edwards
131.56 km/h
3. Matthew Atkinson
126.16 km/h
30/11/2023, 15:03
Latest task
Task 7, 18 Nov 2023
Task distance:
240.08 km
18/11/2023, 09:33
Task 7, 18 Nov 2023
Task distance:
280.81 km
18/11/2023, 09:37