Belgian nationals 2008

Belgium,   10 May 2008 – 18 May 2008

All in ... but one!

All the birds are back but one which unfortunatly outlanded 14km from the field.

In the 15M class, "V" blasted across the course at 130,3km/h average.

Otherwise, a great soaring day and a really good set of tasks today! 

Written on 13 May 2008 at 15:22.

Latest winner

1. Yves Jeanmotte 89.80 km/h
2. Michaël Jeanmotte 89.76 km/h
3. Bruno Pieraerts 78.60 km/h

Latest task

Task 7, 16 May 2008
Task distance: 125.98 km  /  266.58 km  (160.13 km)
Task duration: 2:00:00
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:25
Task 4, 13 May 2008
Task distance: 313.15 km  /  632.22 km  (323.12 km)
Task duration: 4:00:00
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:25
Task 4, 13 May 2008
Task distance: 316.09 km  /  635.07 km  (326.05 km)
Task duration: 4:00:00
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:25