Cotswold Soaring Championships 2023

Aston Down, United Kingdom,   17 June 2023 – 25 June 2023

Official results for Port on task 3 (19 June 2023)

Turnpoints:Aston Down - Temple Guiting - Little Rissington - Elkstone S - Aston Down Finish N
Task distance: 84.66 km
Task info:Regionals (v23) / Fixed Course Task, Contest Wind 201 degs/12 kts ; Y distance = 60.0 km ; Day Speed Points = 55, Day Distance Points = 168 ; Reason for Devaluation : Winners Time
# OP CN Contestant Club Glider Handicap Start Finish Time Speed Distance Points
1. 8 152 Rich Hood Lasham Gliding Society Ventus 2cxa 111 15:43:14 16:16:45 33:31 142.83 km/h 79.79 km 223
1. 3 LEW Gill & O'Keefe Denbigh Gliding Club Arcus M 107 15:42:47 16:17:43 34:56 142.61 km/h 83.03 km 223
3. 5 Chris Dawes Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club Arcus M 107 15:38:26 16:20:19 41:53 118.95 km/h 83.03 km 196
4. 2 JYR Jon Meyer Bristol and Gloucestershire Gliding Club Duo Discus T 101 15:42:19 16:28:11 45:52 115.69 km/h 88.44 km 192
5. KS Phil Dolan Scottish Gliding Centre Ventus 2cxt 110 15:39:26 16:23:05 43:39 110.75 km/h 80.57 km 186
6. 1 VF Bob Bromwich Bannerdown Gliding Club Ventus 3F 110.5 15:44:15 16:29:16 45:01 106.86 km/h 80.18 km 182
7. 1 3N Miles Bailey Oxford Gliding Club Nimbus 3 115 15:35:00 16:19:27 44:27 103.66 km/h 76.79 km 178
8. 1 FNE Tim Robson Lasham Gliding Society Jantar 1-19 SZD38A 102 15:32:54 16:25:09 52:15 100.47 km/h 87.49 km 174
9. 1 TL David Rance Midland Gliding Club JS-1C (18m) 111 15:34:07 16:22:14 48:07 99.49 km/h 79.79 km 173
10. 2 777 Sharon Kerby Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club ASW 28-18 E 106 15:33:11 16:25:27 52:16 96.30 km/h 83.88 km 170
11. 2 401 Luke Pike Buckminster Gliding Club ASW 17 106 15:45:32 16:38:31 52:59 94.99 km/h 83.88 km 168
11. 1 895 John Inglis The Gliding Centre Antares 114 15:36:09 16:29:20 53:11 87.46 km/h 77.52 km 168
11. JE Doug Lawrence Cotswold Gliding Club ASH 25Mi 115 15:32:21 16:25:21 53:00 86.94 km/h 76.79 km 168
11. 1 391 Richard Slater South Wales Gliding Club Ventus C 106 15:32:20 16:30:35 58:15 86.40 km/h 83.88 km 168
11. TG Tom Gooch Cotswold Gliding Club ASW 27b 104 15:39:45 16:41:06 1:01:21 83.76 km/h 85.65 km 168
11. 1 GB1 Mike Jordy Wolds Gliding Club Duo Discus T 101.5 15:47:10 16:50:50 1:03:40 82.90 km/h 87.96 km 168
11. LR Sean Naisby Nene Valley Gliding Club Ventus A 101 15:42:04 16:55:39 1:13:35 72.12 km/h 88.44 km 168
11. L7 Neil Croxford Stratford-upon-Avon Gliding Club LS8 (18m) 106 15:36:15 16:46:24 1:10:09 71.75 km/h 83.88 km 168
11. 2Z Chris Tooze Cotswold Gliding Club LAK 17B FES 109 16:06:07 17:16:20 1:10:13 69.54 km/h 81.38 km 168
11. 990 Adrian Giles Cotswold Gliding Club Vega (17m) 101 15:34:34 16:50:58 1:16:24 69.46 km/h 88.44 km 168
11. 57 John Ferguson The Gliding Centre ASG 29E 111 15:34:43 16:45:51 1:11:08 67.30 km/h 79.79 km 168
11. 2 494 Chris Alldis Midland Gliding Club Duo Discus 101 16:05:57 17:25:56 1:19:59 66.34 km/h 88.44 km 168
11. Y9 Paul Copland Bicester Soaring ASW 28 106 16:33:12 17:51:00 1:17:48 64.69 km/h 83.88 km 168
11. CUS Mike Weston Cotswold Gliding Club Arcus T 107 16:51:19 18:16:21 1:25:02 58.59 km/h 83.03 km 168
11. 826 Ross Morriss Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Kestrel 19 102 15:37:44 17:07:29 1:29:45 58.49 km/h 87.49 km 168
26. 4 TA Colwyn Darlow The Gliding Centre LS10 110 15:44:50 72.57 km 138
27. 4 DI Roger Banks Cotswold Gliding Club Duo Discus XT 101.5 16:50:54 66.00 km 126
DNF EVF Stuart Naylor Fulmar Gliding Club Nimbus 3T 114 0.00 km 0
DNF 40 Steve Noujaim Cotswold Gliding Club ASW 17 106 0.00 km 0
DNF = Did not fly