Cotswold Soaring Championships 2023

Aston Down, United Kingdom,   17 June 2023 – 25 June 2023

Overall results for Cheese after task 8

# OP CN Contestant Club Glider Handicap Total
1 AL Anthony Landau London Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 2,002
2 211 Tim Williamson Nene Valley Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 1,822
3 KV Harriet Gamble Bath Wilts & North Dorset Gliding Club LS8 100 1,776
4 225 Ben Hudson London Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 1,614
5 KDX Dan Hayday Cotswold Gliding Club DG 200 97 1,568
6 DXL Alistair Bridges Lasham Gliding Society Std Cirrus 90 1,412
7 B11 Danny Richmond Wyvern Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 1,402
8 JJ Jonathan Jones Wyvern Gliding Club ASW 20 98 1,299
9 CPM Alicia Carpenter Wyvern Gliding Club Std Libelle 89 1,245
10 PH Pete Hibbard Essex and Suffolk Gliding Club SHK 89 1,129
11 UW3 Ben Hilsenrath Cotswold Gliding Club Std Cirrus 90 1,109
12 JBA Basil Fairston The Gliding Centre Silent2 Electro 89 1,088
13 131 Emson & Bradford The Gliding Centre Std Cirrus 90 1,020
14 HOT Seb Van Der Stichele Southdown Gliding Club Astir CS77 89 1,008
15 594 Tim Barnes Cotswold Gliding Club Mosquito B 98 967
HC ENK Team ENK Cotswold Gliding Club K21 85 744
16 3S Evan Skelhorn Deeside Gliding Club LS7WL 97.5 729
17 DTX Ryan Millen Peterborough and Spalding Gliding Club Mosquito B 98 588
18 LUJ Nigel Bray Cotswold Gliding Club LAK 17B FES Mini 96 471
19 M9 William Chappel Wyvern Gliding Club LS8 100 457
20 HZR Geoff Dixon Cotswold Gliding Club K21 85 214
HC KNK Team KNK Cotswold Gliding Club DG 500 92 139
HC = Hors Concours, not competing officially