18M and 20M Nationals Lasham 2021

Lasham, United Kingdom,   21 August 2021 – 29 August 2021

Overall results for 18 Metre Nationals 2021 after task 9

# OP CN Contestant Glider Total
1 210 Philip Jones Lasham Ventus 3TS 4,408
2 F2 Derren Francis Bicester Soaring Ventus 3T 4,383
3 LE Leigh Wells JS-MD 3 4,314
4 1 420 Kim Tipple Lasham ASG 29 E 4,079
5 2 DZ Ian Macarthur Lasham JS 1b 4,031
6 2 N1 Peter Harvey Bicester (Oxfordshire) in UK Ventus 3T 4,007
7 2 152 Richard Hood Lasham Gliding Society Ventus 2cxa 3,962
8 2 DID Tim Webb Bicester Soaring Ventus 2cxa 3,933
9 6 E1 Russell Cheetham Husbands Bosworth, England JS-MD 3 3,855
10 3 E11 Stephen Ell Wolds Gliding Club ASG 29 E 3,810
11 2 80 Andy Davis Bristol and Gloucestershire JS-MD 3 3,807
12 4 WZ Alistair Nunn Lasham JS 1b 3,799
13 9 900 Chris Starkey Lasham ASG 29 Es 3,784
14 3 TJ Tim Jenkinson JS 1c 3,777
15 3 90 Steve Barter Lasham Ventus 3T 3,771
16 2 802 Matthew Davis Bristol and Gloucestershire JS MD 1C 3,697
17 11 10 Gary Stingemore The Soaring Centre AS 33 Es 3,588
18 1 51 Jeremy Pack Lasham ASG 29 Es 3,570
19 3 0 Elizabeth Sparrow ASG 29 E 3,467
20 520 Patrick Naegeli Lasham ASG 29 E 3,438
21 2 FA2 Andrew Neofytou Lasham Ventus 2cxa FES 3,434
22 2 XZ Iain Evans JS 1c 3,430
23 2 HJ Howard Joseph Ventus 2cxT 3,397
24 5 V2 Tony Cook Lasham Ventus 2cxaj 3,328
25 5 406 Simon Hutchinson Ventus 3F 3,257
26 15 NT Nick Tillett ASG 29 Es 3,168
27 1 LOJ Graham Smith Ventus 2cT 3,131
28 6 S9 Chris Luton Husbands Bosworth ASG 29 E 3,096
29 7 240 Andrew Hall JS-MD 1C 3,060
30 9 Z6 Frank Davies The Soaring Centre ASG 29E 3,007
31 6 MC Mike Clarke Lasham AS 33 Es 2,972
32 6 SX Liam "Billy" Brady Lasham ASG 29 E 2,937
33 A Jason Eccles ASG 29 Es 2,604
34 3 630 Roy Pentecost Lasham Gliding Society ASG 29 E 2,583
35 6 ZB Shaun Lapworth Lasham JS 1c 2,566
36 6 ER Martin Clark Lasham JS-MD 1c 2,506
37 10 XS Richard Browne Cranwell JS 1c 2,503
38 12 VF Bob Bromwich Bannerdown Ventus 3F 2,423
39 7 XE Chris Cobham Lasham Gliding Society ASG 29 E 2,366
40 5 250 William Murray Lasham Ventus 3TS 2,334
41 1 41 Mark Davenport Lasham ASG 29 E 2,265
42 3 8Q Graham Paul JS 1c 1,970