12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship

Garray, Spain,   2 July 2023 – 14 July 2023

Task for Meter 18 on 5 July 2023, Task cancelled

Task duration: 2:45:00
Task version: . (v2)
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
229_Fuentetoba 8.58 km 54.1° Line 10.00 km (Radius 5.00 km)
Fuentemilanos 171.64 km 235.5° Cylinder R=50.00 km
Covaleda 152.73 km 44.5° Cylinder R=3.00 km
001_AD Garray 35.51 km 96.4° Cylinder R=4.00 km
Total: 257.86 km  /  462.24 km  (359.89 km)

Task notes

QNH 1020

Outlanding notifications call: 667264372 and fill out the form: https://bit.ly/outlanding

Report arrival to LEGY 10 Kms out on Airport Freq: 123.500 Mhz

PRE-START altitude 3000m QNH MAX Speed 300 Kph
Minimun Altitude 1300 Msl at finish line

After landing send IGC files to: igcfiles@wwgc2023.org within 45 mins of landing

AIRspace TMA Madrid

LEGY Info: 123.500 MHz LEGY
Grid Marshall/Tugs/Relights/Finish/Landing

Back up frequency: 120.000 MHz
Emergency Frequency: 121.500MHz (monitored by ENAIRE, the ATC authorities)
Arrivals expected at RWY 09 long landings, circuits to the NORTH