UK Mountain Soaring Championship 2021

Aboyne, United Kingdom,   September 5, 2021 – September 11, 2021

Scrub and Prize Giving

The rain is continuing to fall with little prospect of us being able to set a task today, we have therefore scrubbed the day and will hold prize giving at 11:30.

Written by: Deeside Gliding Club on September 11, 2021 at 10:16 AM.

Latest winner

1. Adrian Docherty 81.57 km/h
2. Tony Brown 77.77 km/h
3. Robert Tait 68.66 km/h
Updated: 9/10/21, 4:19 PM

Latest task

Task 1, Sep 6, 2021
Task distance: 54.97 km  /  212.96 km  (130.62 km)
Task duration: 1:30:00
Updated: 9/6/21, 8:30 PM