Turnpoint | Distance | Direction | Observation zone |
001 ODLET 1 | 5.94 km | 116.9° | Line 6.00 km (Radius 3.00 km) |
143 KOMARI VIZKA | 33.52 km | 22.2° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
064 KLINOVEC | 71.88 km | 241.6° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
143 KOMARI VIZKA | 71.88 km | 60.9° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
007 LIBCEVES | 28.11 km | 183.6° | Cylinder R=0.50 km |
004 RANA | 8.02 km | 225.2° | Cylinder R=3.00 km |
Total: | 213.41 km |
RWY in use: 29 | GRID: 9:00-12:30 | GRID Order: Club | First launch expected: 13:00 CEST
START LINE Opens 20 minutes after last launch in class | Radius 3km
Maximum START ALTITUDE FL95 | Maximum START GROUNDSPEED not defined
PEV START - Not in use today
FINISH RING 3km, Minimum finish altitude: not defined
Competition frequency: 126.855 MHz
Rana RADIO Tel: +420 415 679 400
QNH: 1014 hPa | MAX FL95 | LKRA Elevation: 269 m MSL | Sunset: 20:50 CEST
Competition director: Rostislav Fric +420 603 192 435, Assistant Director and AFIS +420 732 833 491
Emergency phone number: 112 | Emergency frequency: 121.5 MHz
IGC file submission: via web www.ranskypohar.cz or email to fricak@gmail.com (CN in subject)