Turnpoint | Distance | Direction | Observation zone |
007 SP7 JEDLA | 8.70 km | 343.6° | Line 15.00 km (Radius 7.50 km) |
399 ZIROVNICE | 54.06 km | 183.3° | Cylinder R=15.00 km |
310 SNEZNE | 79.26 km | 55.0° | Cylinder R=15.00 km |
132 JIHLAVA | 42.36 km | 231.6° | Cylinder R=10.00 km |
011 FP ZBRASLAVICE | 50.69 km | 324.5° | Cylinder R=3.00 km |
Total: | 157.41 km / 299.15 km (226.36 km) |
Runway in use: RWY 15
Grid + weighing KOMBI OPEN open at: 9:00 - 9:30
Grid + weighing KOMBI 15 open at: 9:30 - 9:50
Grid + weighing KLUB open at: 9:50 - 10:15
Day briefing: 10:30
First launch expected: 12:00 CEST
Start line open: 20 minutes after last launch in the class
Start line closed: no restriction
Landing: according to information on Zbraslavice Radio 126,630 MHz
Competition frequency 126,630 MHz for launch, start, finish and landing
QNH: 1013 hPa, Zbraslavice elevation: 493 m
Max. altitude on task: FL95 / Finish ring altitude: 600 m MSL
Other restricted and prohibited airspaces according to ICAO situation
Sunrise: 5:03 CEST / Sunset: 20:48 CEST
CD phone number: +420602954478 / Zbraslavice Radio: +420327591286
Emergency call No. 112
IGC FILES: by email to (CN in subject):igc-zbraslavice@seznam.cz