2022 Canadian National Soaring Competition

Chipman, Canada,   May 23, 2022 – June 3, 2022

Chipman Nats - Cancelled Day May 29.

The bad news for this morning was that the beer fridge was not keeping the beer cold. Crisis!

Our day started early today with a pancake (w/sausages,eggs, etc.) breakfast in the clubhose. The skies had cleared overnight, but by breakfast time, there were clouds visibly building to the west. Not vertically, just flat things, spreading out, covering the ground. The clouds hadn't yet arrived by grid time (11:30), so the fleet lined up for a planned noon start. The weather forecast had predicted a mix of sun and cloud with winds from the northwest at 30 gusting to 50. The day was forecast to be over early, so a short task was planned, heading upwind towards the cloud for the first leg, and hoping to beat the overcast with the downwind and return leg.

It was not to be. A sniffer flight launched around noon and reported back weak thermals, low overcast to the west moving our way, and no sun getting through to the ground under that deck.

So, the day was scrubbed. A few people hung around and took a tow to see what they could make of it; which was not much.  The clouds did roll in, the wind persisted. A good day for something else. 

Leftovers from the pig roast last night were laid out for a help-yourself supper, which attracted a fair number, and gave us all an opportunity to sit around and talk (talking about it is the next best thing to doing it, rigt?)




Written by: John Broomhall on May 30, 2022 at 2:49 AM.

Latest winner

1. Joerg Stieber 148.64 km/h
2. Team WRT 129.30 km/h
3. Christopher Gough 130.35 km/h
Updated: 6/3/22, 7:48 PM
1. Marian Rakusan 125.79 km/h
2. Ryan Wood 94.82 km/h
3. Jay Allardyce 114.04 km/h
Updated: 6/3/22, 7:49 PM

Latest task

Task 7, Jun 3, 2022
Task distance: 228.80 km  /  630.24 km  (424.99 km)
Task duration: 3:30:00
Updated: 6/3/22, 4:15 PM
Task 7, Jun 3, 2022
Task distance: 173.33 km  /  520.31 km  (336.04 km)
Task duration: 3:00:00
Updated: 6/3/22, 4:16 PM