12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship

Garray, Spain,   July 2, 2023 – July 14, 2023

Practice 1, Standard, June 26, 2023

Task duration: 3:00:00
Task version: vv (v5)
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
261_Iregua 30.68 km 132.8° Next, R=3.00 km, Angle=90.0°
143_Campina 25.25 km 278.1° Cylinder R=5.00 km
325_MujerMuerta 163.45 km 213.2° Cylinder R=50.00 km
001_AD Garray 177.33 km 49.9° Cylinder R=4.00 km
Total: 262.13 km  /  473.42 km  (366.03 km)

Task notes

Outlanding notifications call: 600940721 and fill out the form: https://bit.ly/outlanding
Report arrival to LEGY 10 Kms out on Airport Freq: 123.500 Mhz Minimun ALtitude 1300 Msl at finish line
Alternative air to air 123.375 Mhz for communications outside LEGY area
Do always long landings ... After landing send IGC files to: igcfiles@wwgc2023.org
On the area of 10 kms out of LEGY only LEFT TURNS
All airspace is active