Bulgarian National Championship 2022

Blagoevo, Bulgarien,   13. August 2022 – 19. August 2022

18.08 - 150 Km in tricky conditions.

Day started very early with stronc conditions but very soon after cirrus rolled in on the task area making for some difficult times at least for the first pilots. Lot's of low saves and good conditions for the slower ones made for an interesting task with a photo finish for some. At the end the handicap decided the score.

Last comp day tomorrow!

Geschrieben von: Skynomad Bulgaria am 18. August 2022 um 19:07.

Letzte Sieger

1. Ivelin Kalushkov 90,41 km/h
2. Todor Simeonov 78,37 km/h
3. Georgi Georgiev 67,37 km/h
Aktualisiert: 24.02.24, 17:39

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 6, 19.08.2022
Aufgabengröße: 125,86 km
Aktualisiert: 19.08.22, 10:48