Auckland Soaring Championships 2020

Drury, Neuseeland,   4. Januar 2020 – 11. Januar 2020

Day 5 - Its a new day ...

There was much lively discussion in the bar after yesterdays flights. All sorts of ideas thrown around and discussions of what we could try next.

Today we're going to try a bit of a comparison and run the day as a formal AAT. Well, maybe the task area shapes are unusual for a New Zealand Contest and the min distance is pretty short.

The start looked distinctly average and the sky fell to bits half way through the launch. But fortunately everything recycled pretty quickly and everyone got away. Since then the weather has been better than expected again, so it seems like sacrificing the weatherman (Anton) to the gods yesterday was a good idea.

Remember, live tracking is at

You can get more video and photos on Instagram @aucklandsoaringchampionship and maybe hit up @stefanlanger92 and our sponsors @smeg_nz while you're there

Geschrieben von: Rob Lyon am 9. Januar 2020 um 03:03.

Letzte Sieger

1. Stefan Langer 98,85 km/h
2. Ross Gaddes 92,66 km/h
3. Tim Bromhead 91,45 km/h
Aktualisiert: 02.02.20, 16:09

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 7, 11.01.2020
Aufgabengröße: 90,79 km  /  218,99 km  (152,17 km)
Aufgabenzeit: 2:00:00
Aktualisiert: 11.01.20, 10:22