Wendepunkt | Entfernung | ||
005 AP5 Neid | 7,94 km | ||
Richtung: 308,6° Sektor: Linie 20,00 km | |||
200 Rottweil | 82,43 km | ||
105 Geisling | 102,39 km | ||
008 Finish | 26,58 km | ||
Gesamt: | 114,61 km / 310,40 km (211,40 km) |
LAUNCH First possible launch at 12:30 local / QNH: 1020HPa =30,12in
Airfield elevation: 1155ft=352m / ICAO Identification: EDST
Tow release (Engine off) Altitude: 3123ft=952m
FREQS 123.250 MHz - Hahnweide Info (during launch / relanding)
134.200 MHz - Competition (after launch / finish and landing)
START max. Altitude limit: 5577ft=1700m MSL / max. Speed limit: 170km/h=91.8kts
Start Line width: 20km (10km=5.40nm to each side)
FINISH min. Altitude limit: 1640ft=500m MSL
Finish Line width: 1.6km (800m=0.43nm to each side)
ALTITUDES 3500ft=1067m / 4500ft=1372m / 5000ft=1524m / 5500ft=1676m
6000ft=1829m / FL75=7689ft=2342m MSL
Altitude Limit for the Competition: FL95=9689ft=2952m MSL
SUNSET 20:50 local / 18:50 UTC
AIRSPACES Sector Hahnweide: 5000ft=1524m Sector Alb-Nord: 6000ft=1829m
ED-R132A Heuberg NOT active
ED-R132B Heuberg NOT active
EDSZ Rottweil 129,500 active
EDTS Schwenningen 122,850 active
EDMG Guenzburg 118,125 active
OUTLANDING Call +49 (0)7021-81602 or use the Hahnweide Competition App