Otočný bod | Vzdálenost | Směr | Pozorovací oblast |
001SP01HOSIN | 5,00 km | 71,9° | Páska 10,00 km |
233JIHLAVA | 93,31 km | 62,5° | Cylinder R=0,50 km |
126ERPETSHOF | 243,34 km | 277,4° | Cylinder R=0,50 km |
022ARBESBAC | 233,75 km | 122,7° | Cylinder R=0,50 km |
318LOMNICE | 68,93 km | 346,3° | Cylinder R=0,50 km |
001SP01HOSIN | 13,08 km | 251,8° | Cylinder R=5,00 km, Max. výška je 0,69 km |
Celkem: | 652,40 km |
Runway in use: 24
GRID: open 8:30-9:00,20m 9:00-9:30,18m 9:30-10:00
Airfirld frequency 130,205 MHz Radio Hosin
Competition frequency 128.525 MHz for launch, start, finish and landing
First launch expected: 11:30 CEST
QNH: 1016 hPa, Hosin elevation: 494 m, Max. altitude on task: FL 95,Finish ring altitude: 692 m MSL
Finish ring closed: sunset or end of scoring, sunset 20:54
Other restricted and prohibited airspaces according to ICAO situation
Emergency frequency 121,500 MHz
MOBIL CD: +420 602 284 272, Ludek Kluger +420 777 045 540, Emergency call No. 112
IGC FILES: by email to igc@pohoda.com (CN in subject)
OUTLANDING REPORT: https://lowcrop.aero/wgc2018h/