Francie,   8. června 2013 – 21. června 2013

Úloha 2, Volná, 10. června 2013

Čas v úloze: 3:00:00
Typ úlohy: 1
Otočný bod Vzdálenost Směr Pozorovací oblast
085Arrivée20 0,77 km 181,4° Páska 10,00 km
004BARREME 52,05 km 63,3° Cylinder R=10,00 km
020DIE 120,10 km 318,6° Cylinder R=15,00 km
047LA ROCHE RAM 96,66 km 91,0° Cylinder R=30,00 km
066VINON Aero 125,05 km 210,0° Cylinder R=3,00 km
Celkem: 302,07 km  /  490,66 km  (393,86 km)

Poznámky k úloze

Grid : RWY 28
Grid closed : 12 h 30
First take Off : 13 h 00
Flight altitude limited at 2000m AMSL before opening the gate.
Arrival Finish circle Radius 3Kms Minimum altitude 500m AMSL
Start Line closed at 17h00 Loc
QNH : 1010
Sunset : 21 h 16 (Local time)

LF-R 71A not active : FL115 Max 3477m AMSL Max
LF-R 71B not active ; FL115 Max 3477m AMSL Max
LF-R 71D and LF-R 71E active FL 75 2258m AMSL max except in Gliding box
Gliding box active FL 115 max 3477m AMSL Max
LF-R101 active : not authorised for the competition
LF-R11 Active not authorised between SFC and 1350m AMSL
ZRT St Christol active not authorised between SFC and 2150m AMSL

Airfield Operations : 118.150 Mhz / Competition / safety : 130.12 Mhz
Outlanding office phone number / PC vache :
Mobile  : +33(0)6 95 55 29 78 Mobile : +33(0)6 51 25 12 03
Fixe Emergency 33(4) 92 78 82 90
IGC file delivery / Adresse mail envoi fichier IGC : scoring2013@free.fr