Junior World Gliding Championships 2007

Rieti, Italy,   29 July 2007 – 11 August 2007


1 C41 Killian Walbrou 6,236
2 79 Miloslav Cink 6,146
3 WO David Bauder 6,129
1 ER Jérémie Badaroux 600
1 ST Stefan Leutenegger 600
3 KC Felix Schneebeli 599

JWGC started at 13.00 sharp!

First launch was postponed to 12.45 , later to 13.00.

irst glider to start in this 5th FAI JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS was G1. The honor was for Slovenian pilot Andrej Fiorelli. With 13 tugs the 54 pilots were up in 40 minutes. Each class has now 27 gliders.

The “ sniffer “ gave good conditions , but they were still improving so they postponed the launch for half an hour!
Indeed conditions were superb as gliders went up quickly. Some reached at least 2000 m. before the start line.
We could see ONE HIGH PILE of “ white dots “ turning left, as decided in the local rules and confirmed in the briefing this morning.
Club class gate opened at 13.39 and standard class at 14.01.
20 Minutes after the gate opens you can look at the tracking system and fly the task with the 7 pilots in each class!!! Enjoy, we will be back later during the day and we wish ALL pilots a safe and fair competition.

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:36.

First launch expected at 12.30!!!!!

Briefing is over tasks are set! Club class; 289,1 km. polygon with 5 points Standard class; 368,5 km. polygon with 4 points With 25.dgr. and a humidity of 48 %, both crews and pilots can look ahead at a great first competition day with longer tasks! First launch will be at 12.30. Mr. Portman, president of the FAI, declared the 5th FAI Junior World Championships open at the start of the briefing. All pilots got an umbrella , no not for rain , at least not this week, but to avoid “overheating of t...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:35.

JWGC day 1. Yesterday-evening -news_small to start with!

The opening yesterday evening was a” bit long “ , but everybody who is important in this JWGC could say his or her word. The mayor has put a lot of effort in coming here and by inviting the organizers in his beautiful office, to explain very clearly, that the JWGC has the full support of the town and the Province. Not only now but also for next years World Championships. They even want more world comps in the future! In between the pilots, crew and team captains patiently waited in the sun. They...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:33.


The Airshow was very pleasant, though it was extremely hot. It started with model gliders and a model-tow-plane. Some parapentes, one on winch , two with a light engine on the back. Parachutists with colored smoke, beautiful vintage planes and a great Pitt Special demo. The most outstanding demo was from the YAK team. 3 Yak’s flying a pretty long demo on the highest level. Just amazing , rolling under and over each other, flying a low inverted pass and meeting each other again to line up against...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:33.

Bon Giorno

No flying today! Except of course by the most beautiful " flying toys " I have seen here already.The Airshow will start at 10.30 and will go on all day. The opening of the 5th FAI JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS will be at 6.45 in the early evening. Everything seems ready for this big event! ONLY NOT ..the Lithuanian team , as they have not yet arrived!Scruteneering finished at 6 yesterday evening and today the handicap list will be presented! We had the " finish touch " yesterday in the first TC bri...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:32.

Early Evening news_small

The first launch was at 12.30 sharp. Pilots  and crew were waiting under a very hot sun again.Even with "only" 11 tugs, they were quick!While launching there was ONE cloud to the S. , but it disappeared quickly! During the afternoon we had about 1/8 to 2/8  of clouds , exactly as predicted. Glider 70 with toppilot Andy May arrived back just after 3, but he did not finish the task.The German Team had the day off." They have flown enough here, so they can relax for one day " , is what TC Rainer sa...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:32.

Last official practise day!

Wrap up practice day 2. As you could see on the results, which were presented yesterday just after 8 o’ clock, we had a “ nice speed” for the winning pilots of this second official practice day. In Club class Dutch pilot Bart Berendsen [ YX] won with a speed of 118,2 km p/h over 220,2 km. He was the last pilot to leave on track at 12.55, from the 29 competitors from 14 different countries in this class. With a smile Bart said that he needed as much time to prepare his flight on the ground as to...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:31.

Official practice day; 2

Wrap up day 1; first official practice day! Goodmorning! Yesterday evening while having dinner, we heard that local pilots flew over 900 km!! [ Look on the OLC for their flights!] So it turned out to be a real good day. Indeed, “our” meteo was correct for the task: we saw 2 clouds , but also faraway lots of huge clouds behind the mountains. Our pilots mentioned strong bleu thermal activity. Andrej Kolar , from Naviter, has arrived and will stay for a while to assist with the see- you -scoring -s...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:30.

First Official Practice Day

Benvenuti!!!! Ciao Italia! Ciao Rieti and ciao and welcome to all readers from the world. Here we are with the first official English update from the 5 th FAI JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS in RIETI by Ritz This morning we had the first official briefing at 10.30. Leonardo Brigliadori, the competition director, introduced his team,…. the “ Military “ meteoman explained why it was not a real great day , with “only” 2 cu’s expected, but still enough blue-thermal activity to set a nice task and….. Mari...

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:30.

Finally on line!!!!!

HELLO DEAR READERS, benvenuti. Yes, finally we are "live " on line. Do not worry , yesterday \'s story has been written in " word " and as soon as possible I will put it on for you to read! Today is a beautiful flying day . It is day 2 from the Official Practise days.Le\'s try straight away to inform you about the %th Junior World Gliding Championships. Here we go!

Written on 30 August 2007 at 22:29.

Latest winner

1. David Riha 111.77 km/h
2. Simon Barker 110.07 km/h
3. Anze Vidovic 111.96 km/h
1. Stefan Leutenegger 121.20 km/h
1. Jérémie Badaroux 121.18 km/h
3. Felix Schneebeli 120.86 km/h
4. Felix Loth 114.20 km/h

Latest task

Task 10, 9 Aug 2007
Task distance: 186.44 km
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:23
Task 1, 25 Jul 2007
Task distance: 264.52 km
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:23

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