Offen | |||
1 | 3D | Tanner & Wilson | 800 |
2 | Z61 | Jordan Richards | 750 |
3 | 253 | John Williams | 728 |
Yesterday we ended up much better than the forecast and many gliders made it to the back of the 30KM Feshie South sector.
The full Cross Country results are now online with John Tanner in 3D winning the 2024 UKMSC.
Day results for the Height Gain were
ID Pilot High Low Gain
253 John Williams 6,106 2,140 3,966
Z61 Jordan Richards 6,092 3,179 2,913
XX Adrian Docherty 5,970 3,057 2,913
245 Stewart Reid 5,486 2,576 2,910
DEW Pete Whitehead 5,576 2,669 2,907
X1 Alastair Mutch 5,775 2,895 2,880
8Q Graham Paul 5,536 2,767 2,769
3D Tanner & Wilson 5,846 3,110 2,736
J5T Geddes Chalmers 5,451 2,780 2,671
SO Hans GW 5,354 2,696 2,658
EVF Stuart Naylor 6,210 3,589 2,621
MS Mike Stephens 5,876 3,258 2,618
DTG Matt Roberts 5,134 2,611 2,523
LM Steve Thompson 5,373 3,070 2,303
R1 Tony Mountain 5,584 3,435 2,149
X6 Steve KR 4,557 2,844 1,713
YX Al Greensmith 4,443 3,127 1,316
The overall height gain was won by Jordan Richards who established an early lead at the start of the week and maintained his advantage throughout.
ID Pilot Total Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Z61 Jordan Richards 15,194 3,156 7,964 - - 1,161 2,913 -
SO Hans Georg Werner 10,036 - 6,735 - - 643 2,658 -
8Q Graham Paul 9,325 - 4,820 30 - 1,706 2,769 -
X1 Alastair Mutch 9,186 - 3,294 - - 3,012 2,880 -
XX Adrian Docherty 8,828 3,569 361 - - 1,985 2,913 -
X6 Steve KR 8,616 1,696 4,301 - - 906 1,713 -
245 Stewart Reid 8,382 2,086 3,130 118 - 138 2,910 -
3D Tanner & Wilson 8,340 2,431 3,173 - - - 2,736 -
EVF Stuart Naylor 7,769 - 4,078 - - 1,070 2,621 -
606 Pete Gray 7,326 - 4,872 - - 2,454 - -
R1 Tony Mountain 6,779 - 4,630 - - - 2,149 -
DTG Matt Roberts 6,673 2,139 1,857 144 - 10 2,523 -
LM Steve Thompson 6,305 - 3,786 - - 216 2,303 -
MS Mike Stephens 6,247 - 2,379 - - 1,250 2,618 -
DEW Pete Whitehead 5,649 2,562 72 - 108 - 2,907 -
1UP Pete Gill 4,859 - 4,560 - - 299 - -
IM Ian Molesworth 4,341 - 4,341 - - - - -
253 John Williams 3,966 - - - - - 3,966 -
115 Team Tait 3,828 - 2,073 - - 1,755 - -
YX Al Greensmith 3,234 1,168 603 - - 147 1,316 -
J5T Geddes Chalmers 3,096 - 425 - - - 2,671 -
SC Sant Cervantes 253 253 - - - - - -
94 Bob Bromwich - - - - - - - -
A31 Roy Wilson - - - - - - - -
EF Glover & Costin & Groves - - - - - - - -
44 Chris Dawes - - - - - - - -
We have a steady stream of gliders calling finish - it will be a late night of scoring and prize giving
The start gate is open with a 2:00h task time. Follow the progress at
The sniffer has reported good thermals and we are launching the grid on task. follow the progress at
Morning all, the task setter woke the competition with a group WhatsApp message at 06:30 telling everyone he was setting a task and the sun is shining.
A hot sunny day on the airfield and some feet where climbed. ID Pilot High Low Gain DD King & King 6,969 3,708 3,261 (HC)X1 Alastair Mutch 6,347 3,335 3,012606 Pete Gray 6,237 3,783 2,454XX Adrian Docherty 6,396 4,411 1,985115 Team Tait 6,082 4,327 1,7558Q Graham Paul 6,375 4,669 1,706MS Mike Stephens 5,867 4,617 1,250Z61 Jordan Richards 5,793 4,632 1,161EVF Stuart Naylor 4,007 2,937 1,070X6 Steve KR 4,987 4,081 906SO Hans G W. 3,395...
The Cross Country has been scrubbed but most of the grid is away height climbing....
Briefing is at 09:30 this morning, the cloud is down again, although we are expecting to see the sun later on today. The time lapse from yesterday is now on YouTube.
That pesky cloud is touching the mountain tops again and it stayed there all day.
We have three launches last night right before the 18:00 cut off, just as it started to drizzle ID Pilot High Low GainDTG Matt Roberts 3,353 3,209 144245 Stewart Reid 2,004 1,886 1188Q Graham Paul 2,100 2,070 30 You can watch a time lapse of the clouds from yesterday and see the short clearance that encouraged people into the sky