Belgian nationals 2008

Belgien,   10. Mai 2008 – 18. Mai 2008


1 BS Yves Jeanmotte 5.104
2 2P Michaël Jeanmotte 4.386
3 7 Olivier Sevrin 3.677
1 V Jean-Luc Colson 2.934
2 MM Manu Litt 2.902
3 21 Bert Schmelzer 2.837
1 IP Pierre de Broqueville 3.000
2 LJ Johan Luyckx 2.750
3 F2 Pascal Hanssens 2.670

It\'s over!

The decision has been taken. The day is cancelled, the weather is against us.

The championship is over. It has been a great event with plenty of good flying.

Thank you all and see you next year ... maybe! 

Geschrieben am 17. Mai 2008 um 07:40.

Day 7 - Saturday 17/05/2008

It is grey, cool, rainy and almost cold! The organizers are meeting again at 11h30 to do a last weather check but the hopes are not very high. More later. 

Geschrieben am 17. Mai 2008 um 07:13.

They are back!

The first Club class are coming back! Preliminary results soon! 

Geschrieben am 16. Mai 2008 um 12:53.

They are off!

Take off is underway at 13h30! The ceiling is not very high. It will be a technical day for all!

Geschrieben am 16. Mai 2008 um 09:41.

Hope ... and expectations!

An AAT task has been decided for all 3 classes. Obviously, the distances are not earth breaking. It will be tecnical but first the birds need to take off. We will know at 13h! The tasks will soon be online. 

Geschrieben am 16. Mai 2008 um 08:07.

Day 6 - Friday 16/05/2008

We are in a cloud. 15km away the sun is shining but up here it is grey and humid. A briefing will be held at 10:00 as usual followed by a new weather briefing and an eventual task setting. There is hope for a task but it may be a short one! More later! 

Geschrieben am 16. Mai 2008 um 04:59.

Thursday 15/05/2008

Task cancelled! Unfortunatly, the weather is against us today. The decision has been taken to cancel the day. See you later! 

Geschrieben am 15. Mai 2008 um 04:09.

Take off is under way

And off they go! The tasks for day 5 are now online! 

Geschrieben am 14. Mai 2008 um 07:37.


Good start of the day but a risk of showers or even local thunderstorm is possible. It is 11h15 and the "sniffer" just took off. Some cumulus are starting to appear. Take off is expected at 11h30 for distances betwween 414 and 471Km.   More to come! 

Geschrieben am 14. Mai 2008 um 07:15.

All in ... but one!

All the birds are back but one which unfortunatly outlanded 14km from the field. In the 15M class, "V" blasted across the course at 130,3km/h average. Otherwise, a great soaring day and a really good set of tasks today! 

Geschrieben am 13. Mai 2008 um 15:22.

Letzte Sieger

1. Yves Jeanmotte 89,80 km/h
2. Michaël Jeanmotte 89,76 km/h
3. Bruno Pieraerts 78,60 km/h

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 7, 16.05.2008
Aufgabengröße: 125,98 km  /  266,58 km  (160,13 km)
Aufgabenzeit: 2:00:00
Aktualisiert: 21.05.15, 06:25
Wertungstag 4, 13.05.2008
Aufgabengröße: 313,15 km  /  632,22 km  (323,12 km)
Aufgabenzeit: 4:00:00
Aktualisiert: 21.05.15, 06:25
Wertungstag 4, 13.05.2008
Aufgabengröße: 316,09 km  /  635,07 km  (326,05 km)
Aufgabenzeit: 4:00:00
Aktualisiert: 21.05.15, 06:25

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