Mix Class | |||
1 | D9 | Darius Gudžiūnas | 7 719 |
2 | MOV | Martin Baran | 7 168 |
3 | SK | Kęstutis Sabeckis | 6 889 |
Sveikiname visu varžybų dalyvius! Šiandien skrendam 201.4 km geičio pratimą. Vėjas šiaurės rytų 16-20 km/h, nedidelis debesuotumas, debesų padas - 1400 m. Termikai 1-3 m/s. Pradedame kelti 13:30 vietos laiku. Neaktyvi oro erdvė: PG20, PG3, PG8, EYR28 CUDGEL W, EYR34 CUDGEL S Maršrutas eina greta draudžiamos oro erdvės, būkite labai atidūs!Maksimalus starto aukštis 1200 mMSL, minimalus finišo aukštis 110 mMSL. Maksimalus starto greitis 170 km/h žemės atžvilgiu! Pastaba: po skridimo IGC failus pra...
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Šiandien skrendam AAT užduotį, 1:30 val. Vėjas šiaurės vakarų 17-19 km/h, didelis debesuotumas, debesų padas tik 1250 m. Pratimas dviejų 25 km diametro zonų. Maršrutas eina greta draudžiamos oro erdvės, būkite atidūs! Maksimalus starto aukštis 1200 mMSL, maksimalus starto greitis tik 170 km/h žemės atžvilgiu! ========================================================== Today we fly the AAT task, 1:30 hours. Wind northwest 17-19 km/h, overcast, clouds only 1250 m. Exercise go in two 25 km diameter...
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Siekiant išvengti nesusipratimų startuojant bus naudomos šios startavimo taisyklės: 1. Kaip startas bus užskaitomas tik paskutinis starto linijos kirtimas. Kirtus starto liniją nebegalima grįžti į starto sektorių papildomai pasiimti aukščio, nebent norima perstartuoti. 2. Kad išvengti klaidų starto aukštis visiems pratimams bus 1200 mMSL. ===================================================== The following starting rules will be used to avoid misunderstandings when starting the task: 1. Only the...
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So, how was the flight? :) Congratulations do not entering to forbidden airspace! Not so difficult only you need never forgot about it! Somebody, not fully read the rules! So, he got some penalties for the loo pass of the finish ring. One competitor computer restarted. Check the Windows updates, restart computer before the task! Starting procedure was not smooth for some of you. I have one request to make it more easy to you and scoring. So, when decided to start, make it, but please do not retu...
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Hi Everyone! Competition is about to begin. The dates is selected for next year Lithianian Mix Class Nationals period. Todays racing task length 204.4 km. We go to Poland first and next turnpoit will be in south part of Lithuania. Wind is south-west, 15 km/h. Cloud base 1350 m. Thermals average-good. Max start altitude is limited to 1100 mMSL. This limit will stay during all the competition. Airspace! All airspace as you could see in Condor2 ir forbiden! But you must check you PDA because only o...
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This Sunday we are starting the 1st official training. Rezults will be pulished here in SoaringSpot. Participants must be registered beforе! Now we limited to 3 pilots for other countries, exept Lithuania of course. Imedialtly after the fligth you should send IGC file to given e-mail. File must be renamed as follows: "DDD_ABC.igc", where DDD - IGC date, ABC - you contest number (CN). There two new gliders in Condor2. So, you could select also Arcus, H=117.5 and DG101D, H=98.3. See You on Sunday,...
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Dear glider pilots and our friends! Invitation and rules you will find in downloads page.Especilaly invited the young pilots who going to participate in JEGC 2021 in Lithuania! Looking for your registration by email! We are starting competitions on January 3, 2021! Trainings each Sunday at 19:00 EET! Prepare your glider and See You soon! Best regards, Artūras
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Sveiki, sklandytojai! Varžybų kvietimą, taisykles, posūktų punktus ir oro erdvės failą rasite "downloads" skyriuje. Laukiu registracijos elektrojiniu paštu! Varžybos prasideda 2021 m. sausio 3 d., sekmadienį 19:00.Treniruotės iki varžybų vyks sekmadieniais, 19:00. Ruoškit techniką ir iki! Linkėjimai, Artūras
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