Hi Folks, well the weather is not cooperating, at least we have seen the sun, but the westerly wind is blowing strongly with broken wave. Some pilots have gone flying anyway, with two or three getting established in the wave. It's pretty difficult and several have landed back already.
Tonight we are going to have barbequed lamb for dinner, provided by a local farmer who flies gliders with us.
Tomorrow, by all accounts, is going to be thermals, fingers crossed
Practice day is underway with 12 gliders launched into a largely overdeveloped sky, but pilots are finding reasonable lift to 4000' around the local area. The practice task is fairly short, just to get pilots in the air and a feel for the local area for those who haven't flown ere before. Of course yesterday was a boomer with 6000' bases as far as the eye could see. The forecast for tomorrow, the first day, is rubbish, but we'll see in the morning. GW
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