The task was cancelled on the grid before launching started.
Although the weather was good at the launch, a strong wind change is expected later in the afternoon and there would not be enough time for a task to be safely completed.
From Spot 4 Coffee... Thanks for having our coffee van at the gliding club, we are having a great time meeting all the glider pilots from around the world. We would love to put on a breaky this Saturday and Sunday morning and will see if there is enough interest and can maybe do it the next weekend with pancakes? We will be serving from 8am till 10-11 what ever is needed. BACON AND EGG ROLLS-with a percentage of the money going back to the gliding club.BENALLA FARM FRESH EGGS, bacon and bakery r...
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The scheduled day 1 of the competition was cancelled before a task was set. There sas signifcant rain during the morning which cleared in the late afternoon. Things are looking hopeful for tomorrow.
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The Practice Day 4th Jan 2016 is cancelled for all classes due to poor weather. Tomorrow 5th Jan wil be the first contest day.
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